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Family Centered Practice
Infant Toddler Services of Wyandotte County is committed to providing family centered interventions. These services will support you in enhancing the development of your child.

Occupational Therapy
Occupational therapy focuses on helping children to develop motor, sensory, and cognitive skills to lead independent and functional lives. An occupational therapist applies the therapeutic use of everyday activities or "occupations" to enhance a child's daily living skills.
Physical Therapy
Physical therapy focuses on treating and caring for children who have challenges coordinating body movements and performing daily tasks. Physical therapists can support families to help children navigate their environment more independently.
Speech Language Therapy
Speech language therapy focuses on language, thinking skills, social communication, fluency of speech, articulation, and feeding disorders that may hinder a child's participation in their daily activities.
Social Work
Social work focuses on supporting children and families to strengthen their individual and collective wellbeing. Social workers may provide psychosocial support to families who are dealing with crisis or trauma and connect them to resources within the community.
Early Childhood Special Education
Early childhood special educators provide appropriate and uniquely tailored educational interventions to eligible children with disabilities and their families to incorporate into their daily routine. ECSE educators bring a global approach to all developmental areas: motor, adaptive skills, cognitive, communcation and social.
Interpretive Services
Interpreters allow us to communicate with every family that is determined eligible for early intervention services. ITSWC has two full-time Spanish interpreters and utilizes interpretation services through a contracted company for all other spoken languages. American Sign Language interpreters are contracted through Kansas State School for the Deaf.

Additional Services
Transition to Preschool
Before a child's 3rd birthday, ITS of Wyandotte County staff will support families in the transition to Part B-Early childhood services, if eligible. We help to ensure that transition from our services to early childhood education or community programs is smooth and comfortable for families.
Family Service Coordination
Family service coordination allows us to support every family, meeting them where they are at. All of our staff serve as family service coordinators and can assist with coordination of housing, healthcare, connection to community resources, and much more.
Evaluation for Services
Using a play-based approach, we evaluate your child using evidence based assessments, observation, and parent report to determine eligibility for Part C services.

Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) helps to ensure that all children are guaranteed free and appropriate services uniquely tailored to their individual needs. This sets guidelines for services provided to children, ages birth to three, who are determined eligible for part C services in the following developmental areas:
Fine Motor
Gross Motor